Confirmation at Trinity Lutheran

6-8th graders are Trinity participate in ELEMENT. Element is a weekly Jr high youth group confirmation program lead by Fusion youth ministry, a partnership of five congregations. You can find out more here at their webpage.

Yearly Expectations for Students and Parents

  1. Attend worship sometimes. (Parent and Child).

  2. Acolyte, Read, Run Video or Powerpoints during services. (Child and/or)

  3. Attend Element on Wednesday Nights during the School year. 6-7:30pm at First Lutheran Church in Morris, MN. (Pastor Chris and Trinity Members attend weekly)

  4. Complete 5 sermon notes and submit them to Pr. Chris by Christmas, and May. Sermon notes can be done in person or submitted HERE through the website or by clicking the button above. Feel free to watch the stream and submit via email as your schedule requires.

  5. Participate in a minimum of one of the 2-4 service events offered through Element, and attend the winter retreat if at all possible.

  6. Pray. With your family, at meals, once in a while not at meals, pray.